Amur Khakulov, denied release from on health grounds by the court, has died in a Kirov Region prison colony
Amur Khakulov was found guilty of involvement in the attack on Nalchik in October 2005 (trial of the 58). He spent more than 10 years in remand prison No. 1 in Nalchik, waiting for trial and for the sentence to take effect. While still at the remand prison,...Modified: 07/10/2016
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Kirov region court to examine the possibility of releasing Amur Khakulov on health grounds
Russian Justice Initiative has handled Khakulov’s case since September 2015 in the national courts, and in September and then October 2015 applied to the ECHR in connection with Khakulov’s worsening condition. A series of measures and actions made it possible to ensure that Khakulov started ...Modified: 14/06/2016
Path: News
European Court grants interim measures for Nalchik accused
On 17 March 2016 the European Court for Human Rights satisfied the request of Russian Justice Initiative to order the application of urgent measures to the situation of Amur Khakulov, convicted in the context of the armed attack on Nalchik, currently suffering from kidney disease. The Court ordered the Russian government to immediately provide Khakulov with treatment via hemodialysis. On 17 March 2016 the European Court ...Modified: 17/03/2016
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