Скриншот 24.11.2015 164049.bmp.jpgOn 19 November 2015 The Georgian TV channel “Maestro” reported on the ICC’s investigation into the 2008 Georgia-South Ossetia armed conflict, highlighting RJI’s work on gathering testimony from victims in South Ossetia. There is an interview with RJI’s staff lawyer Diana Kostina, as well as with RJI’s Georgian partners, who sent in testimonies from victims in Georgia to the ICC. 

Caucasian Knot. 19 July 2015 . CC's resolution on priority of Russia's Constitution over ECtHR's decisions is political \ "Постановление КС о приоритете Конституции России над решениями ЕСПЧ носит политический характер"  http://eng.kavkaz-uzel.ru/articles/32396/ (ENG-RUS)

Газета "Коммерсантъ", №42 (4827), 12 March 2012. “An exception for Russian Justice Initiative \ Правовой Инициативе сделали исключение.” http://kommersant.ru/doc/1890377 (RUS)

Deutsche Welle. 12 March 2012. “MinJust stroke the Netherlands-based Russian Justice Initiative from the registry of NGOs \ МинЮст РФ исключил нидерландскую «Правовую Инициативу» из реестра НКО.” http://www.dw.de/dw/article/0,,15803734,00.html (RUS)

Kommersant.ru. №132 (4917), 20 July 2012. Правозащитники хотят стать иностранными агентами \ “Human Rights Defenders Want to Become Foreign Agents”(RUS).

Radio Svoboda. 20 July 2012. "Правовая инициатива" борется за инициативу \ “Justice Initiative is Fighting for Initiative”(RUS).

Gazeta.ru. 20 July 2012.  «Ъ»: крупнейшая в России зарубежная НКО обжаловала решение о запрете на работу \ “Kommersant: the largest foreign NGO in Russia has appealed the decision to cease its activities” (RUS)

Vedomosti. 20 July 2012. НКО «Правовая инициатива» решила продолжить борьбу за работу в России в судах   \ “Russian Justice Initiative decided to continue in court its fight to continue its activities in Russia” (RUS)

Novaya Gazeta. 23 August 2012.  Мосгорсуд отправил дело об исключении из реестра крупнейшей иностранной НКО на новое рассмотрение  \ “Moscow City Court returned [SRJI’s case] to lower court for reconsideration” (RUS)

Gazeta.ru. 23 August 2012.  Мосгорсуд признал незаконным исключение крупнейшей в России НКО из реестра, вернул дело на пересмотр  \ “Moscow City Court rules that the decision to strike the largest NGO out of the registry was unlawful, returns the case for reconsiration” (RUS)

Novaya Gazeta. 18 December 2012. Moscow city court banned activities of the largest foreign NGO in Russia \ “Мосгорсуд запретил крупнейшей иностранной НКО работать в России”  www.novayagazeta.ru/news/61745.html (RUS)

Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty. 10 April 2012. NGO's Legal Woes Threaten Pursuit Of Justice For Chechens. http://www.rferl.org/content/russian_justice_initiative_struck_off_chechen_atrocities/24543341.html (ENG)

http://www.radiomarsho.com/content/interview-with-russian-justice-initiative-legal-director-anastasiya-kushleyko/24649152.html (Chechen)

http://www.radioerkenli.com/content/evropean-court-dagestan/24667556.html (Dagestanian)

http://www.radioerkenli.com/content/pravovaya-iniciativa-kushleyko-interview-espch/24659182.html (Dagestanian)


Sundstrom, L.M. “Advocacy Beyond Litigation: Examining Russian NGO efforts on implementation of European Court of Human Rights judgments,” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 2012, 1-14; Van Der Veet, F. “Seeking Life, Finding Justice: Russian NGO litigation and Chechen Disappearances before the European Court of Human Rights,” Human Rights Review 2012 13, 303-325; “Human Rights in Russia: Going Beyond the Perils of Activism,” Baltic Worlds 2012, V.3-4, 54-59.

Open Democracy. 24 August 2012. Strasbourg: Supreme Court of the North Caucasus  https://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/grigor-avetisyan/strasbourg-supreme-court-of-north-caucasus (ENG)

North-Caucasian Federal University. On selected issues in international humanitarian law at the Red Cross roundtable.  24 October 2012.  http://ncfu.ru/2012/10/24/problemy-mezhdunarodnogo-gumanitarnogo-prava-na-soveschanii-krasnogo-kresta.html (RUS)

Novaya Gazeta. 18 December 2012. Moscow city court banned activities of the largest foreign NGO in Russia  \ “Мосгорсуд запретил крупнейшей иностранной НКО работать в России”   www.novayagazeta.ru/news/61745.html (RUS)

Rosbalt. 18 December 2012.  Moscow City Court banned activities of the largest foreign NGO in Russia  \ “Мосгорсуд запретил деятельность крупнейшей иностранной НКО в России”  http://www.rosbalt.ru/moscow/2012/12/18/1073147.html (RUS)

Privalova, Maria in Esquire, “Не Пропасть Даром,” 4 August 2010, available at: http://esquire.ru/strasbourg (RUS)

Tomuschat, “Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,” E.J.I.L. 2010, 21(1), 15-23; “Effective investigations under article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights: securing the right to life or an onerous burden on a state?”, E.J.I.L. 2010, 21(3), 701-721.

Radio Liberty, Время и Мир, “Почему Верховный комиссар ООН по правам человека не поехала на церемонию вручения Нобелевской премии мира,” 12 December 2010, available at: http://www.svobodanews.ru/content/transcript/2246007.html (RUS)

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